Der Forschungspreis 2020 wurde folgenden Personen verliehen:

In der Kategorie Diplom-/Masterarbeit:
- Birgit Helmlinger, MSc, (KFU), Computational Thinking: Is programming experience related to performance and neuronal processing in reasoning?
- Gerrit Sommerauer, MSc, (KFU), The neurocognitive development of numerical representations: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
- DI Christian Tinauer, (MUG), Explainable Deep Learning of Multi-parametric MRI Data for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification
In der Kategorie Dissertation:
- Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Reinmar J. Kobler, BSc, (TUG), M/EEG-based kinematics de- and encoding in visuomotor and oculomotor tasks
- Linda Waldherr, PhD, (MUG), Iontronic chemotherapy: a new treatment method for glioblastoma multiforme
In der Kategorie Publikation:
- Florian Reichmann, PhD (MUG/University of Leicester), The zebrafish histamine H3 receptor modulates aggression, neural activity and forebrain functional connectivity, In: Acta Physiologica, DOI: 10.1111/apha.13543, 07/2020
- Dr. rer. nat. Margit Jehna, (MUG), Do increases in deep grey matter volumes after electroconvulsive therapy persist in patients with major depression? A longitudinal MRI-study, In: Journal of Affective Disorders, DOI:, 2020
- Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Franz Scherr, BSc, BSc, (TUG), A solution to the learning dilemma for recurrent networks of spiking neurons, In: Nature Communications, DOI:, 2020