Forschungspreis 2017

Der Forschungspreis 2017 wurde folgenden Personen verliehen:

In der Kategorie Diplom-/Masterarbeit:

  • Mariella Sele, MSc, (MUG) Optimizing the 3D reconstruction technique for serial block-face scanning electron microscopy

In der Kategorie Dissertation:

  • Dr.rer.nat. Dipl.-Psych. Jan Stupacher, (KFU) Neural Correlates and Prosocial Effects of Entrainment to Music

In der Kategorie Publikation:

  • Dr.rer.nat. Mag. Emanuel Jauk, (KFU) Self-viewing is associated with negative affect rather than reward in highly narcissistic men: an fMRI study, In: Scientific Reports | 7: 5804 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03935-y 1, published online 19 July 2017
  • med.univ. Sabrina Mörkl, (MUG) Gut microbiota and body composition in anorexia nervosa inpatients in comparison to athletes, overweight, obese, and normal weight controls, In: International Journal of Eating Disorders 2017;1–11.
  • DI Stefan Manfred Spann, BSc, (TUG) Spatio-Temporal TGV denoising for ASL perfusion imaging, In: NeuroImage 157 (2017) 81–96
  • Ass.-Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Stephan Vogel, PhD, (KFU) The left intraparietal sulcus adapts to symbolic number in both the visual and auditory modalities: Evidence from fMRI, In: NeuroImage 153 (2017) 16–27


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