Forschungspreis 2015

Der Forschungspreis 2015 wurde folgenden Personen verliehen:

In der Kategorie Diplom-/Masterarbeit:

  • Magdalena Temmel, Msc, (TUG) Spatio-temporal pattern analysis of Alzheimer’s disease-related vascular pathology in human and transgenic mouse brain

In der Kategorie Dissertation:

  • Dr. Christoph Birkl, (TUG) Post-mortem assessment of iron in multiple sclerosis brain using magnetic resonance imaging

In der Kategorie Publikation:

  • Magdalena Grill (KFU) Strawberry notch homolog 2 is a novel inflammatory response factor predominantly but not exclusively expressed by astrocytes in the central nervous system
  • Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christian Langkammer (MUG) Fast quantitative susceptibility mapping using 3D EPI and total generalized variation


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