Der Forschungspreis 2021 wurde folgenden Personen verliehen:
- Nikolaus Koren, MSc (KFU), Investigating the Influence of Self-reported Strategy Use on Oscillatory EEG Correlates (ERD/ERS) in Children
- Viola Helena Lechner, MSc (KFU), The role of confidence in estimating the intention and onset for voluntary movement and its relationship to brain potentials
- Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Sackl (MUG), Automated Hippocampus Segmentation of High-Resolution MR Images with Deep Neural Networks
- Univ.-Ass. Dl Dr. Christoph Birkl (MUG), The influence of iron oxidation state on quantitative MRI parameters post mortem human brain
- Dr. Sascha Freigang MSc (MUG), Comparing the Impact of Multi-Session Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal and Primary Motor Cortex Neuronavigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (nrTMS) on Chronic Pain Patients
- Kerstin Lenk, MSc (TUG), Neuronal and Astrocytic Regulations in Schizophrenia: A Computational Modelling Study