INGE St. Vernetzungstreffen der Universitäten – Technische Universität Graz

Einleitung und Begrüßung durch Gernot Müller-Putz – Technische Universität Graz
und Anja Ischebeck – Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Programm | Program:

10-minütige Vorträge mit anschließend kurzer Beantwortung von Fragen
10-minute presentations followed by brief question-and-answer sessions:

1) Valeria Mondini, Institute of Neural Engineering: „Towards realising the „Feel Your Reach“ framework: simultaneous detection of movement intention, continuous movement decoding, and error potentials in healthy individuals and a spinal cord injured patient“
2) Hannah Pulferer, Institute of Neural Engineering: “Investigation of continuous error processing within a 2D tracking task”
3) Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Institute of Neural Engineering: „Hand movement trajectory decoding from source-space EEG”
4) Kerstin Lenk, Institute of Neural Engineering: “Simulating ionic dynamics in astrocytes”
5) Roman Ferrand, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science: “A model for the interaction of synaptic and non-synaptic plasticity in memory-dependent computation in the brain”
6) Kyriaki Kostoglou, Institute of Neural Engineering: “Unraveling how brain regions communicate using electroencephalography”
7) Shayan Jalilpour, Institute of Neural Engineering: “Asynchronous decoding of neural responses to perturbations during a simulated cockpit scenario”
8) Alberto Barradas, Institute of Neural Engineering: “Images of faces modified by style transfer deep learning improve ERP features used for emotion detection”

Beiträge zur Veranstaltung